Dear Parents,
It is indeed our pleasure to have you enroll your child in Grand Central Preschool. We do not take this responsibility lightly and pledge to you our full attention to your child’s well being and safety, while in our care. We consider our staff and the children in our Preschool as family and are committed to providing them a loving place where they can feel safe, grow and flourish!
This information is provided as a resource for you to reference when needed. We hope that it will answer many questions that you may have when enrolling your child into Grand Central Preschool. This, for the most part will be their first educational and socialization experience. We desire that it will be a very rewarding one, which will pave the way to an enjoyment for learning in the years to come.
I personally have a goal, to be of service to the families of our church, community and the entire Santa Clarita Valley. It is our heart’s desire to provide a loving, caring, safe and healthy learning atmosphere, during the day for your child, while under our care.
Please take a moment and familiarize yourself with this information, so that you’ll have a greater understanding of our Preschool. We want you to feel that you’re a vital part of our Preschool. If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free call or stop by.
We firmly believe that children are a gift from the Lord. Our desire is to share Christ’s love with all our children. Matthew 19:14 says,
” Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”
$150.00 – Registration Fee due at the time of enrollment
$950.00 – Monthly for 5 Full Days
$870.00 – Monthly for 4 Full Days
$790.00 – Monthly for 3 Full Days
$830.00 – Monthly for 5 Half Days (Mornings)
$650.00 – Monthly for 4 Half Days (Mornings)
$550.00 – Monthly for 3 Half Days (Mornings)
$730.00 – Monthly for 5 Half Days (Evenings)
$600.00 – Monthly for 4 Half Days (Evenings)
$525.00 – Monthly for 3 Half Days (Evenings)
Enrollment Forms must be completed in full before attending the first day of school. A non-refundable registration fee of $150.00 is due at the time of enrollment. This is due at enrollment time again each year.
Tuition will be applied to your account in one-month increments and will vary, depending on the number of weeks each month. Payments are to be paid in advance by the 15th of each month. An account that becomes delinquent will be assessed a $20.00 late fee. This will be applied to your account the
16th or the the first school day thereafter. All delinquent accounts will be reviewed by the School Board. When an account is delinquent beyond the last day of the month, the student’s parents will be required to meet with the Preschool Board. The parents will be required to pay the balance due or or give an explanation of the circumstances regarding the delinquency and work with the Board on a payment schedule. Failure to meet with the Board, will
result in suspension of the child for one week. Failure to bring account current following the suspension will result in the child’s enrollment being terminated from Grand Central Preschool.
Late Pick Ups
Any child picked up after 6:00 PM will incur a $5.00 per minute late fee, which is due on the same day. It will be at the discretion of the Preschool, upon consistent failure to pick up a child on time, as to whether or not the late pick ups will result in dismissal from our Preschool.
Days of Operation
The Preschool will be open Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We will be closed for all legal holidays and any other emergencies that may arise. The dates will be announced to parents. Your tuition factors in all legal holidays.
General Goals
Throughout the year, the following items will be introduced and
reinforced with your Toddler and Pre-School child.
1) Know the Love of God
2) Know the Pledge of Allegiance
3) Develop Manners
4) Write their first name
5) Know the basic colors
6) Know their shapes
7) Know left and right
8) Know the Seasons
9) Know the Days of the Week
10) Know the Months of the Year
11) Cooperation Skills
12) Values of numbers 1 through 20
13) Count to 100
14) Hand-Eye Coordination
15) Letter recognition
16) Number recognition
17) Small motor skills development
18) Large motor skills development
It is our objective to help each child develop proper socially
acceptable behavior.